Crédit Mutuel Home Loan SFH
Crédit Mutuel Home Loan SFH is registered as a limited liability company and duly licensed to act as a credit institution with a limited purpose, approved by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudenciel (ACPR) on June 6th, 2011.
A 99.9% subsidiary of the BFCM Group, its sole activity is to finance the residential real-estate lending activity loans for Crédit Mutuel Home Loan SFH will benefit from the new legal framework (SFH) which has been approved by French Parliament in October 2010 (Bankruptcy law, UCITS 22.4 compliance).
S&P | AAA | 28/04/2022 |
Moody's | Aaa | 22/10/2019 |
Fitch Ratings | AAA | 19/01/2021 |

Crédit Mutuel Home Loan SFH obtains the "high-quality European covered bond label"
July 22 2022
Since 22nd July 2022, Crédit Mutuel Home Loan SFH has been authorized by the ACPR to use the high-quality European covered bond label mentioned in Article L.513-26-1 II of the French Monetary and Financial Code for issues made under its covered bond program.
Structure Overview
against BFCM
Full recourse of the Issuer
security over the Cover Pool
Covered Bonds backed by direct
Coverage Test and Amortisation Test
Asset monitoring including Asset
- Alexandre Saada Chairman
- Eric Cuzzucoli Managing director
- Sandy Faure Representing BFCM
- Eric Platiau Independent
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
Audit Ernst & Young Statutory auditors - Cailliau Dedouit & Associés Special auditor certification